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XOXO Pride Of Natasha Mohamed

Sunday, November 18, 2007

XOXO Natasha

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Some of my works done in 3D.

XOXO Natasha

These are some of the designs that i found while browsing through a book called 'Big Ideas'.
I have chose these images because i find them veri interesting in terms of their colors,graphics and the layout of the whole. Somw even used cool fonts to go with their design.

Designer: Elizabeth Roberts

Designer: Red Design
Illustrator:Jasper Goodwill
Design Company: Red Design

Designer: Dr Peche
Photographer: Mademoi Selle Rose
Design company: Laboratoires CCCP

Designers: Andrew Godfrey, khan Van Grecken, Morten Rowley
Art Designers: Andrew Godfrey, Khan Van Grecken
Photographers: Peter Bainbridge, Andrew Godfey, Eva Godfey
Design Company: DankRealms

Designer & Photographer: Elizabeth Roberts

Designer: Christian Kuster
Morphed Images: Shazad Ahmed
Photographer: Heiko Prigge
Design Company: CHK Design

XOXO Natasha

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Commercial : Agfa Film

I think the commercial is an effective commercial because the message that they want to potray has been portrayed clearly. And the message is that the camera is water proof and can give a good and clear print quality. The part when the sound of the clicking camera and the part when the guy show the camera portray clearly that the camera water proof. And the last part when the guy is looking at the pictures tell me in some way that the pictures are clear.

Fromt the material reading that i have, this commercial has the strategy of Unique Selling Propotions. It's because The camera itself has a unique quality that it is underwater. And this type of camera are rare. And the general tactic that the use is humor. They use humor to attract attention. Agfa is not a well-known product, thus they can only use the tactic of attention rather than message,acceptance and resistance. Because attention is the only way to make the product well-known.

The information that they provide only feature the water proof quality and they do ot provide information like price,where, when and how to buy the product. Ant this commercial doesnt have any influence and emotions except humor.
Therefore in conclusion, i think that the commercial is effective because it's funny. And that's the main reason.

XOXO Natasha

Monday, November 12, 2007

I think that this commercial is effective yet funny. Even though its not in English, the message is put out clearly.

XOXO Natasha

Monday, November 5, 2007

This is the final logo that i have chosen.

The logo represents that Adidas is:
- The mark of leading sports
- Strong
- Always striving

The thicker strips represents a hand lifting the brand name Adidas; to show that it is always striving.

The thinner stripes represent the people supporting Adidas.

And the stripe that goes around the logo represents that Adidas is a global company.

And the slogan that i have come up with is 'Strive for the best'.

XOXO Natasha

Sunday, November 4, 2007

These 2 commercials i think are the most effective.

The target audience for the first commercial is targeted to all the citizens of the United State and the target audience for the second commercial is to all the people who want to buy a car.

For the first commercial, the spin was treated in a direct manner. Mrs. Clinton was openly persuading the citizens that she will make the home a better place. It is effective because what she has said and what she want to do for the citizen was an emotional thing to the people, especially those have financial difficulties. They will be convinced and we believe that thy will lead a secured when become the one.

For the second commercial, the spin was treated in an indirect manner. The commercial is trying to convinced the consumers that the car is very tough that it won't break in a crash and that it is very compact. Consumers will be attracted because of their quality of being compact. Besides that, the commercials has a good concept and the way it is treated make the commercial look cool.

XOXO Natasha